Photo Album/ Washington DC/ U.S. Agency for International Development

With Syrian Americans, Ambassador David Hale, Ambassador Elliott Abrams
and Assistant Administrator Jeff Grieco

With Palestinian Americans and Ambassador David Hale

With USAID Administrator and Director of Foreign Assistance the Honorable Henrietta Fore

With Nada Anid, Denise Zihenni, Sami Koueiri, USAID Administrator Henrietta Fore,
Haleem Zihenni, and Jack Tohme in New York

With Minister Joseph Sarkis, Ambassador Tony Chedid and other officials from USAID

With Jeff Grieco, Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator, Steve Kaufman from the
Department of State and members of the Lebanese American Renaissance Partnership

USAID 2006 Iftar with Ambassador Randell Tobias and Ziad Asali

Walid Maalouf moderating the Lebanese American humanitarian briefing on 8/11/2006

At the USAID Iftar of 2005 with Sheik Husahm Al-Husainy of Michigan

With the members of the Lebanese American Chamber of Commerce and its President Mr. Salim Zeenni

Walid Maalouf with Alex Azar, Deputy Secretary of HHS and participants in the Middle Eastern
American Officials leadership conference in the Martin van Buren room

Meeting with the Board Members of the American Federation of Ramallah Palestine
and its President David Bateh

Moderating the Middle Eastern American NGO summit at the Loy Henderson Auditorium
the State Department with Undersecretary Paula Dobriansky concluding her presentation

All Middle Eastern NGO leaders listening to the former Administrator of USAID Andrew Natsios
